Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Christmas

This year was a little bit different as we spent Christmas here in Hinton. It was nice to spend this time in our own home, but it was also different to be away from extended family. We had a lot going on in our house...not all good. Ava was sick, Shane then got sick followed by Jimmer getting sick. There is nothing worse than having a sick baby as there is absolutely nothing you can do to take it away from them. There were a lot of sleepless nights and Shane took Jimmer to the hospital one night as he was wheezing and not sleeping. We discovered that he had bronchiolitis and he just had to ride it out. There was a blessing in all of this as Jimmer had to get an x-ray. It was discovered that he had bronchiolitis, but they also discovered something else. He has an esophageal abnormality...Jimmer has been having issues pretty much since he was born. I have tried everything to help him from stopping breast feeding, to trying every kind of formula, to trying every kind of drug for acid reflux. Now I find out that it was nothing to do with any of that. It turns out that he has a dilated esophagus and we don't know what is going to happen at this point. He has to meet with a pediatrician to see what the next step will be.

Aside from all of this we had a great Christmas together. Even though it was Ava's Christmas to spend with her mom, she spent the majority of the time with us. I had Ava during the day the week leading up to Christmas as she was out of school and we picked her up on Boxing Day to head down south for Becky and Mike's wedding.

Jimmer was too young to know what was going on, but it was fun regardless. We had some friends over on Christmas Eve and Christmas day was very quiet. Ava was able to be with us for a couple hours to open up presents and we spent a lot of the day skyping with family.

Christmas Jammies

Christmas Eve

Christmas Morning

Getting ready to go to church...not feeling too good!

Ava opening presents on Christmas day.


Mandy D said...

A baby's first Christmas is so much fun! Both Ava and Jimmer are going so much. Jimmer looks so sweet, I NEED to meet him!

Mandy D said...

Oh, and Jimmer sounds just like both of my kids! We went through everything you have and now I am really wondering if that is what was wrong with mine because NOTHING worked! You are most definitely going to have to let me know what the pediatrician has to say. I am so sorry you have had to go through all of that, it makes for some long days and nights!