Sunday, February 5, 2012

6 Month Shots

I took Jimmer for his 6 month shots on Friday and I must say that I wasn't too thrilled. Previously I have taken him on Shane's Friday off, but this time around it just didn't work out that way. Luckily he only had to have one shot, so it wasn't so bad. The worst part of it was probably the fact that I had to have my tetanus shot at the same time. I love my little man and here are his stats this time around...

Weight: 19 pounds 2 1/2 ounces
Height: 27 inches

Jimmer is doing so well and by some miracle hasn't thrown up the entire content of his stomach in about 3 weeks. I attribute it to the fact that I have stopped giving him his meds, but what do I know? He is just so happy lately and I can't get enough of his sweet little smile. His favorite thing to do right now is suck on his toes. It's so funny to watch him fold himself in half and shove his toes in his mouth.

1 comment:

Mandy D said...

I am SO GLAD to hear he hasn't thrown up lately! What good news! He is so adorable and looks like the sweetest little guy ever!