Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Addition

Shane has been wanting to build a garage for as long as I have known him and since happenings as of late he thought that it would be a great time to get it done. They started building the beginning of November and it is looking good. We'll hopefully be parking in it by the end of the winter.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Here Comes Santa Claus

One of the highlights of our year is the Teck Christmas parties. Last night Shane and I had our first date since Jimmer has been born and went to our work Christmas party. As hard as it was to leave my baby at home for the first time it was nice to get out and enjoy good friends and good food. We got one phone call from the baby-sitter, but everything worked out and the kids were both really good.

What was even better than the adult Christmas party was the kids Christmas party today. Santa was there to give the kids their presents and we were standing in line for what seemed like forever. By the time it was our turn Jimmer had fallen asleep, so I missed the reaction from him that I was hoping. When he finally woke up I took him back to get a couple pictures to capture his reaction. Ava was like a kid in a candy store. She was running around grabbing every piece of candy she could get her hands on. It was hilarious because they had a table full of cupcakes and she kept running over to get more and more. Jimmer was the bell of the ball. I take him to St. Gregory school once a month for an anti-bullying program called Roots of Empathy. He goes to the grade four class and there were a couple kids there from the class. They were so excited to see him and so excited to be able to hold him. Such a great time of the year!!

Friday, December 9, 2011


Now that Jimmer is 4 months he had to go for his shots last Friday. This is of course something that I do not enjoy, but I make sure to schedule the appointments for when Shane is available to come. I was holding Jimmer in my arms as the nurse was getting the needles ready and he had the biggest smile on his face as he was looking up at his daddy. Then bam...the nurse got him in the leg and broke his little heart. Probably broke mine worse!!

Jimmer is growing like a weed and I've got the measurements to prove it...

Weight - 17 lbs 10 oz - 92%
Height - 25.5" - 82%
Head - 18" - 99%

Tomorrow is our work Christmas party and I'm leaving him with a babysitter for the first time. I'm sure nervous about it, but again I'm sure that it will be harder on me than him. We have an awesome babysitter that will do a great job!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Mo More Movember

The month of November is dedicated to prostate cancer, so Shane decided to join in the cause and grow himself a sweet stash. I am not a big fan of facial hair, but at least it was for a good cause. I was very glad that December arrived and he was all clean shaven this morning. He was able to raise $425 for Movember.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Ava celebrated her 6th birthday on Saturday, November 26th and I can't believe how fast she is growing up. When Shane and I got married she was only 3 and now she's 6 going on 16. It is hard to believe how time passes so quickly. We were able to spend time with her the night of her birthday for a little family party. She got a DSi that she can't put down and we got her a Rapunzel cake. While she was blowing out her candles she got a little too close to one of the candles and burnt her nose...funniest thing I have seen in a long time. She was pretty offended that Shane and I would be laughing while she was crying in pain. It's a good thing that I caught it all on film.

My baby was 4 months old on Monday and I can't believe how much he has changed and is really getting his own little personality. He is our little chatter box and loves getting all the attention which he doesn't have trouble getting. One of his favorite things is bath time...that is a chance for him and daddy to have some bonding time. He also loves his hands. There will be tons of toys around him to play with and all he wants to do is suck on his fist.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


We had so much fun this Halloween. With our new little addition and plus it was our year to have Ava for the holiday. Of course Jimmer was too young to understand what was going on, but he sure looked cute. Ava was the happiest and cutest kid around. Her and I ran around to all the houses in the neighborhood, all along the way me asking if she was done yet. She was having way too much fun to stop, so we just kept on trucking until she had more candy then I even got as a kid. She kept saying to me, "daddy is going to be so proud of me." Every time she got a can of pop she would say, "another Root Beer for daddy."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

3 Months Tomorrow

My baby will be 3 months old tomorrow. I honestly don't know where the time has gone, but man how time flies. The first week he was born I was all worried because he went from 8 pounds 6 ounces to 7 pounds 1 ounce, but clearly from the pictures there was nothing that I had to worry about at all. My baby is getting so big so fast. I took him to the doctor on Tuesday and he now weighs in at 14 pounds 8 ounces. At his two month shots his head measured in the 99 percentile, his weight in the 96% and height 92%. His daddy was very proud!! Jimmer makes me so happy and every day it still amazes me that he is mine. He is chattering and giggling, making all sorts of noises. He loves looking at everything around him and is so intrigued by it all.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Welcome my little man...Jimmer Tate Reay!! I had no idea just how much I would love being a mom and caring for my special little man. He makes me so happy and has been such a good baby so far. Jimmer joined our family on July 28th and we just love him to pieces. I was in pre-labor for about 3 days before my Doctor broke my water on July 27th. These were a tough few days, but made everything worth it when Jimmer arrived just after 7:30am.

Just a few pictures to share.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


A couple weeks ago I was finally able to go to the city to buy the baby necessities. Stroller, car seat, diaper bag and crib. Can't wait until this little guy joins us in 2 short months.

Anthracite (the color of the crib)

As you can tell I'm really big into color. I figure the basics should be more neutral though. My mom made the most beautiful quilt that I'll have to show off at a later date.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Shane and I went to Vegas back in March. We not only went for shopping and people watching, but also went for the Mountain West Conference Tournament. We loved the relaxing time we were able to have there and loved watching BYU make it to the finals against San Diego. It was amazing to see Jimmer score 52 points against New Mexico. Although I was very disappointed in the maternity shopping or lack thereof.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Our Gift

Shane and I have been trying for the past year and a half to have a baby. This was a very emotional time as I would be waiting each month not to have my period only to be disappointed when it would arrive each month right on schedule. I consulted with my doctor only to be left feeling completely helpless, but still hoping that there would be some comfort or light at the end of the tunnel. I decided that it would be best to see a different DR. and this is what made all the difference in the world. She was and has been fabulous throughout the whole process. She prescribed me to a fertility drug while waiting to see a specialist. While waiting to take the drug low and beyond it happened. Shane and I are PREGNANT and expecting our baby the end of July. I'm 13 weeks along and couldn't be happier. We've been to hear the heartbeat and this was such a special experience. It made everything feel more real and I'm anxious and excited for everything that lies ahead. I've been sick since week 6 and having a really hard time waking up every morning at 5am to go to work. Especially when I have to deal with the stress of my job, but I know that it will all be well worth it. I've been super tired...going to bed at 730pm most nights. They say that people eat for two, but I must disagree...I have been sleeping for two. I don't have any pictures yet, but we will be going for the ultrasound the beginning of March where it will make everything more real and we'll find out if it's a boy or girl!! Ava wants a sister more than anything, but Shane and I will just be happy to have a healthy, happy baby. I'll keep you all in suspense, but until then I'll share some pictures of our latest happenings.