Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Arrival of Baby Carter

Carter Justin Reay joined our family unexpectedly on January 9th, 2013.  It was unexpected, but we were still thrilled to have him join our family earlier than planned.  Luckily I had washed his clothes a few days before, but I did not have a hospital bag packed and was not through my nesting phase.  There were still several things that I would have liked to accomplish.

January 8th I went about my regular routine.  Took Ava to school, went grocery shopping, took Ava to skating lessons after school.  When I was at skating one of the moms said to me, "you haven't had that baby yet?"  She must have jinxed me because after returning home for the evening everything was OK until the kids were in bed and I was ready to relax.  It was then that my water broke.  I wasn't sure if this was what was happening as my water didn't break with Jimmer.  I jokingly said to Shane that we had to go to the hospital as my water broke...not thinking that this could actually be the case.  I had to call my mom to confirm that this is what was actually happening.  She said to get to the ER.  We got there at about 9pm and because I was less than 36 weeks pregnant the doctor sent me to Edmonton.  We have a really good hospital out here in Hinton, but they are not equipped to deliver premature babies.  Luckily Shane had enough time to rush home to grab some things for our trip to Edmonton.  I rode in the ambulance while Shane followed behind.  This was the longest trip I have ever had as there are no shocks in the ambulance therefore I felt every bump while contracting every 3 minutes.  I was grateful to arrive safely and without delivering in the ambulance.  I was very well taken care of at the Grey Nun's hospital.  After receiving the epidural everything was great and it was just a matter of waiting for Carter to let us know he was ready to arrive.  When arriving in Edmonton they let me know that I was only 3cm dilated.  By 10:30 I knew that things had progressed and I was anxious for the nurse to check me again.  She wasn't going to check me for a while, but then decided the last minute to check.  At 10:35am I was 10cm and the head was right there.  1 push and 5 minutes later...10:40am...Carter Justin Reay joined the world and I couldn't have been happier.  I was quite emotional as everything happened so quickly.  The recess team was there to make sure that he was healthy and breathing properly.  He was healthy and a whopping 5 pounds 12 ounces...18.5 inches long.  I didn't think that it was possible for a Nilsson and a Reay to have a baby that small.  Only when he's a month early I guess.  My due date was February 9th, so he was one month early to the day.  We are so happy to have our little Carter with us and enjoy our growing family.  We only had to stay in the hospital one night which was a relief as I was anxious to get home to my other baby.  Jimmer was a little apprehensive at first, but now loves to give his baby brother hugs and kisses and tickle his feet.

Getting ready to go home.

So happy to be home.

Jimmer unsure what to think of this new little addition.

Ava was loving every minute of it.

First morning home with the family. 

First bath at home.  The popcorn bowl wasn't the most comfortable spot, but he didn't make a peep.

Jimmer was happy to be helping daddy bath his little brother. 

I love my boys!!

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