Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I feel like I really don't have a lot to post about although there has been quite a bit going on lately. Went home for Stirling Days and had a fabulous time with my family plus the big 10 years reunion...muh!! I had such an uplifting weekend as a General Authority came to Stirling with his family as dad has been working closely with Salt Lake to get funding for a visitors center. Such a great family and I feel so lucky to have spent time with them.

Jaxon celebrated his 8th birthday and it looked like he had a great time with all his little buddies...Happy Birthday Jax!!

My friend Tanya had her baby on the weekend...little Bruno Tavo Fernandez!! Congratulations Tanya and I can't wait to come see you.

Spencer's birthday is tomorrow and it will be fun to celebrate with him. The boys keep growing up way too fast.

I went and saw Stepbrothers on the weekend...movie with Will Ferrell. I highly recommend for people NOT to see this movie. It was terrible!! A few funny parts, but overall it was very crued and very offensive.

Other then that I've just been working lots and anticipating my trip to Mexico this Saturday. There's only 4 more sleeps until I'm off to bask in the sunshine. The weather hasn't been the greatest around here, so it will be good to get away and experience the real heat.

1 comment:

Mandy D said...

I went and looked up your resort and am completely jealous!! I think I am coming with you! You are going to have so much fun! I can't wait to see pictures. Be safe!!