Thursday, May 31, 2012

10 Month Boy

This little monkey is keeping me on my toes.  He is crawling all over the place and getting into everything.  The other day I tried to teach him to go down the stairs feet first, but the next time I saw him he was on his way down head first.  Luckily I got to him in time.  Jimmer is changing so much and his little personality cracks me up.  He makes the cutest facial expressions, chatters up a storm and loves being around people.  He waves with not only one hand, but gets both of them going.  He is loving the swimming pool.  We've only taken him three times, but he already is super comfortable and even likes going under the water.  He is finally cutting his first tooth, but it still hasn't come through yet.  He is pulling himself up on the couch and you can tell that me wants to just take off running.   

1 comment:

Danielle said...

What a handsome little man!! He is getting SO big.