Monday, May 7, 2012

Dancing Queen

Ava had her dance recital last weekend and she looked so beautiful.  The recital started at 7pm on Saturday night, so I was hoping that her ballet performance would be one of the first.  Jimmer's bedtime is 7pm and I knew that he wouldn't make it threw the whole show.  When we got there we discovered that she would be dancing close to the end.  We made it until 8pm and then it was just too late and Shane took Jimmer and I home.  I was sad that I didn't get to see her perform, but at least Shane got to be there to see our dancing diva. I watched her on the DVD and she did so, so good!!  

1 comment:

Baker Family said...

THese are so super cute. Im horrible at commenting but I need to get better. What a cute little family you got there Suzan. XOXO!